The Meaning of Human Life
Dear Friends,
We are completing our 5th GAPS Onling Conference on www.gapsoncon.com.
After my presentation on obesity, people asked to explain the spiritual aspects of healing from chronic disease. This blog is designed to do that. I hope you enjoy it and find it helpful.
The recordings from the GAPS OnCon will be available for many months.
This year we covered Metabolic Syndrome, which stands for heart disesase, diabetes, obesity, cancer, PCOS, Alheimer's disease and more.
The meaning of human life
It seems that conversations about the meaning of life are not common in current humanity. People talk about all sorts of superfluous things, people are busy with small talk. But, when asked about the meaning of life, people become bashful and embarrassed. The majority go through their whole lives and depart from this world without ever asking themselves the question: What is the purpose of my life? Why do we come to this world, grow up, have adventures, live, struggle, work, get ill, suffer and then die? This is the most important question every human being must answer for himself or herself.
Many people live their lives without thinking about the spiritual, considering themselves to be just the body, an animal. They think that the world is purely materialistic, and the mainstream is keen to support this ideology. This materialistic worldview leads to an idea that the purpose of human life is simply to consume and enjoy yourself. Those who consume the most are deemed to be the successful ones, their life was ‘spent well’ having lots of material possessions, meeting people, travelling, partying, procreating, drinking, eating, etc. ‘After all, we only live once’ - says materialism, so you might as well ‘have a blast’. Morals and ethics only get in the way of this kind of life, so they are brushed aside by the materialistic consumer society. But, those who get the chance to consume the most soon get bored with their lives. And, when this ‘successful’ person dies, he or she cannot take with them any of their material possessions or ‘enjoyments’.
Yet, every human being has a feeling inside their heart that there must be more to life! Sooner or later all of us start looking into the spiritual – that strange world of no ‘peer-reviewed evidence’ and nothing ‘proven’. Some join an established religion, some read spiritual books, others go to spiritual places and learn from spiritual teachers; every person finds their own information compatible with their way of thinking and personal attitudes. And we start finding real answers to big question, such as: Who created this world? Why is this world so beautiful and functional? Who am I? What is the purpose of human life? Let us ponder these questions.
Who created this world?
Sooner or later every thinking person comes to a realisation that this amazing world has been created. It did not just happen by chance through some ‘big bang’. The perfection of Nature, animals, birds, trees, the way everything in this world perpetuates itself, heals itself, the circle of life and the functionality of the whole thing leave you in no doubt that it had to be created. What colossal intelligence could do such a work? What energy has this Intelligence used? Through the ages people called this Intelligence - God, The Grand Creator, an Absolute or many other names. It doesn’t matter what we call it, it exists and it loves us, tolerates us, supports us, gives us life, guides us and is ever present in every one of us.
Who are we?
We are gods which have forgotten who they are and got completely lost. Our Parent - The Grand Creator has given us everything He can do. He gave us a Mind – a wonderful tool, so we can use thoughts to create our reality. Thoughts are the matrix which organise universal energy. Using our thoughts, we programme our reality, our now and our future. We programme consciously and unconsciously, we programme whether we know about it or not. Everything that happens in your life you have programmed! You are the one to blame or to praise for everything in your life. Every adversity you get, you have created in the past and it came back to you. What goes around comes around! So, your adversity (your problems, your illnesses, your accidents and trauma) is your own creation - a lesson you need to be grateful for. Learn the lesson, do the work and make the right choices, so this particular adversity does not come back again and again.
How does this world work?
The physical world we know is made on dialectics: there are two poles (‘+’ and ‘-‘) which create an energy field, and the whole world exists between these two poles. Some things in this world are close to the ‘+’, some are close to the ‘-‘, and most things are somewhere in between. Both poles are essential, without them there will be no physical world. Our planet has two poles: North Pole and South Pole. If one of these poles suddenly disappeared, the planet Earth will cease to exist.
Indeed, everything in this world has a counterpart: up and down, cold and hot, soft and hard, good and bad, kind and cruel, loving and hating, greedy and generous, happy and miserable, accepting and resenting, peace and war, etc. There is a saying: everything is perceived via comparison. To perceive ‘good’, we must experience ‘bad’. Without this experience how would we even know that what is in front of us is ‘good’? To understand happiness we need to experience misery. To understand that someone is kind, we need to meet an unkind cruel person first (at least by reading a book or watching a film). To realise how wonderful it is to be healthy, one must get ill at some point. The way a human mind works, it cannot appreciate the ‘good’ without comparing it to something that is ‘bad’. In order to be able to do this comparison, one must experience the ‘bad’.
When we experience something bad, we don’t like it, we complain. But, it stimulates us to do something to get back to the ‘good’ we lost. Imagine, if someone never experienced ‘the good’? Imagine, if the ‘bad’ is their ‘normal’? In that case they don’t know that they are unhappy, they don’t have anything to compare with and consider what they have to be ‘perfectly good’. They would have no stimulus to change anything. So, experiencing both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ is important, in fact it is essential. What is it essential for? For the growth of the individual – the spiritual growth.
The material world we live in is specifically designed for that! It is perfectly designed for every human being coming here to experience the ‘+’ and the ‘-‘, the whole polarity, the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’ of every aspect of life. To make it serious for us, we have to forget who we are at the moment of entering this physical dimension.
So, in order for a human to learn and grow spiritually, he or she must suffer at some point. It would have been nice for us to find an easier way to learn, but such is the human nature: when everything is fine in our lives, we don’t want to change or learn anything new. We need to be knocked out of our comfort zone to start opening our minds to new ideas. The more suffering the person goes through – the more he or she learns, changes and transforms spiritually. Loss of a loved one, an accident, serious illness and other adversity wake us up, make us think about what is really important in life, make us stop ‘just having fun’ and rediscover who we truly are.
For example, getting a serious chronic illness is a blessing, a chance to grow spiritually. Every illness is formed in the spiritual realm, and then it descends into the physical body. Trying to heal this illness with purely physical means is not going to work. If you didn’t change your prevailing thoughts, attitudes and behaviours, you will re-create that illness in your physical body again. The worst thing a person can do is simply supress the symptoms of the illness using pharmaceuticals. Not only will the illness not leave you in the physical or spiritual realms, but it will get ingrained deeper and make you suffer not only in this lifetime, but through other lifetimes.
In the big picture of the Universe human life is very short. When we leave this world, we cannot take our material possessions or money with us. But what we do take with us are all the feelings we have created in other living beings, all the emotions we stirred in them and all the energy we spread around us. And we will have to answer for every one of them! If these feelings, emotions and energy were not good, they will affect us accordingly and we may have to pay for them in many other lifetimes. So, material possessions and money may seem very important today, but in the realm of eternity they work as a trap to catch your soul and drag it down.
In the realm of Eternity, it is not what you do that matters but what motivation you used to do it, why did you do it? You may have donated some money to a good cause, but if your motivation was pride, making yourself feel grand and generous, then you have not scored any points in the spiritual realm. In fact, you may have earned yourself bad karma.
What motivation / energy should we use?
There is only one energy we must use in all our thoughts, words and actions to stay on the right track. What is this energy? It is the energy of the Grand Creator (God, Absolute) – the energy of unconditional love, loving everything around you without any conditions. It really is that simple! All other energies are destructive.
What is Universal Love?
This question has been asked for thousands of years and continues being asked. What does it mean to love everyone and everything around you: every blade of grass, every tree, every animal and bird, our planet Earth and every human being on it? What does it mean to ‘love your enemy as much as you love yourself’? What does it mean to love your neighbour?
Your spiritual essence doesn’t need anything in this physical world! All material possessions and money are completely senseless and useless in the Real You – the one that is eternal, invulnerable and will continue living after the death of the physical body. Attachment to these material things is the trap of this realm, it makes you selfish, creates an ego in you and leads you astray. Spirituality means complete selflessness, no ego, no attachments. The more you serve others without wanting anything for yourself, the more you serve the whole web of life around you, serve without any selfish thoughts, the more you get filled with the precious energy of universal unconditional love. Everything good in life comes only from this energy! As you use only this energy, you get aligned with the Grand Creator – your true parent.
So, what is the purpose of human life?
God is love! Every spiritual teaching through the ages have told us this phrase. What kind of love? Unconditional, without conditions, without comparing or choosing, without judgment or competition. It is a simple love of a parent to his child. The child may be naughty, may be sick, may be disabled, may be deformed, may have committed a hideous crime, but the parent will still love this child unconditionally. Simply because this is his or her child. That is how the Grand Creator of this world loves! We are his creations, we are made from his love, so we are – love. Our spiritual essence is love! Trouble is, we forgot that, we lost connection to this love and to our spiritual essence. We get born into this physical realm to find that truth, to find that unconditional universal love, to find our essence!