All diseases begin in the gut! The Father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, made this statement more than two thousand years ago. The more we learn with our modern scientific tools, the more we realise just how correct Hippocrates was: all diseases do begin in the gut! Science has discovered, that about 90% of all cells and all genetic material of the human body belongs to the gut flora - a mixture of various microbes, which live inside our digestive tract. So, in reality your body is just a shell, a 10%, providing a habitat for this mass of micro-creatures living inside you; and their role in your health and physiology is monumental. Our modern world poses many dangers for human gut flora, and once it is damaged, the health of the whole body enters a downward slide towards disease.
To learn about Gut and Psychology Syndrome, how it develops and how to treat it effectively with a sound nutritional protocol please read Dr Campbell-McBride's book:
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The book contains a highly successful GAPS Nutritional Protocol, which is a self-help programme for treating disease. Apart from the conditions, listed on the front of the book, the GAPS Nutritional Protocol will help you with all digestive disorders, autoimmune disease, eating disorders, epilepsy, failure to thrive, childhood disease, problems with development, and much more. To learn in detail about Gut And Psychology Syndrome, please visit
Thousands of people around the world have implemented the GAPS Nutritional Protocol with life-changing results. Here is what some of them say:
"A huge Thank You for writing your GAPS book, which has brought about so much
healing for me. I am so very grateful for all your efforts to educate people
about how to have health, and also for your website and all the additional
support it provides."
Sophia Smith, December 2010.
"I love GAPS diet! The 6 of us have been on this diet for 1 year now. My
family loves this diet and I think SO many people can be healed by it! Every
single symptom is GONE when I stick to the GAPS diet. I am able to live
symptom free, full of energy, and I feel healthy!!! I believe in this diet,
because I've seen it work for my family!"
Brenda Scott, real food farmer in
Molalla, Oregon, 2010.
"We GAPS parents are already dealing with huge to massive behaviour and health
challenges with our kids... But the picky eating is a huge symptom, which presents
because of the GAPS' brain's toxicity... Thousands of times I've watched my baby,
sitting in his chair, refusing food... Now he is eating well!... Yes, my kiddo!
These foods will nourish you, and make you well, and someday you won't remember
these early years at all. You won't remember your anxiety, because it won't
possess you anymore. You won't have horrible and crippling stomach pains. You
won't remember all the ways we've had to learn and grow and work like crazy in
order to heal a six-and-a-half-year-old anorexic. And for this, I am utterly and
weepily thankful!"
Sarabeth Matilsky, December 2010.
"It was so great to hear you speak and meet you, having already read both your
books. Thank you so much for all that you do and have done! You are truly an
inspiration! My husband and I have made a commitment to teach, teach, teach
and share all this incredible information."
Sherry Miller from Lafayette,
LA, January 2011.
Gut and Psychology Syndrome™ is the trademark and copyright of Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. The right of Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Patent and Designs Act 1988.